![Same Damn Thing? [Jan. 30/09] 2](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3302/3240032879_d2020bfc34.jpg)
I didn't think I would do it, I had heard about the "Same Damn Thing" Blogger challenge, and I am not really a blogger of any consequence, so I figured no one would notice if I participated or not. That, coupled with the fact that I was certain I didn't actually own the shirt in question, the {Gisaci} Cambridge Shirt, and I am still on my 'no shopping' debt reduction diet, I figured I was going to be sitting this one out. But when I logged tonight, I decided for the heck of it, search my inventory for "Cambridge", and lo and behold, there it was. I had forgotten buying it, I last visited Armidi with my sister Anessa when she stuffed a wad of bills in my hands and said, "buy something, it'll make you happy!". And so I did, so she would stop pestering me with teleports to Armidi.
![Same Damn Thing? [Jan. 30/09] 1](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3506/3240033255_29675ebbfe.jpg)
What was intriguing to me about this challenge is that what it all comes down to is diversity. We can all blog the same thing, and we can all make it look like it is our own. I am not saying that people want to see every fashion blog on the feed displaying the same item, but rather even if it happens by coincidence that several people can wear the same item and make it look fresh and different. I am no stylist, I have no training other then years of reading fashion magazines and at best an eye for putting a look together for myself. This is how I felt like wearing my shirt, and I think it is pretty in line with any other look I have crafted over time.
![Same Damn Thing? [Jan. 30/09] 4](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3305/3240032267_7476f407f6.jpg)
I guess I am now waiting for the SL Secret over on Shopping Cart Disco taking a stab at those of us who participated in Achariya's challenge, and I am prepared to take the hit. When I started blogging, it was not for an audience, I didn't even know the feed existed till weeks later, and I wasn't on the feed for a few months after that. It was a journal about my own virtual wardrobe, and it was frankly a way to justify the massive amount of money I was spending building my inventory into the monster it now is. That doesn't mean I am not fully aware that people read my blog on occasion, or that I don't feel a certain sense of responsibility for representing things honestly and accurately. It means that even though my blog may be consumed by a few other individuals, it does not mean I have given over the right to decide how I use it, what I use it for, and it does not excuse me from owning the content I post. I have opened myself up a bit by allowing people into my hectic life, I share things about myself, and that is the risk you take when you put yourself out there for others to see. But it does not give other people the right to be cruel or rude, or dictate how I spend my time. And so if I choose to blog entirely discontinued items, or previously blogged freebies, or items that are considered out of fashion, then I will be the one to take responsibility for the way I am perceived thereafter.
![Same Damn Thing? [Jan. 30/09] 3](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3113/3240868688_142c70ae21.jpg)
I guess the only "Same Damn Thing" I will see on the feeds from this point on is a lot of individuals, using their own time to do something that gives them pleasure in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others in any way. A worthwhile lesson I hope everyone has the good sense, humility, decency, and humanity to accept.
Shopping Details:
Shirt - {Gisaci}, Cambridge Cuffed Shirt - Aufren Black
Belt - caLLie cLine, fat belt - blood red 1
Pants - :: DUTCH TOUCH ::, Jeans Low Waist Skinny Light
Boots - - TESLA -, Hylda Boot *Scarlet*
Necklace - Cat's Eye, Beads Necklace [Freebie]
Cuff - ETD, Leather Ring Wristband (Crimson)
Ring - Caroline's Jewelry, Gimcrack Diamond Solitaire Ring
Hair - PE, Pyxis Jet Black
Skin - /artilleri/, Emi skin - Soft Sunkiss - Masumi
Lashes - Cake, Separated Lashes - Tintable
Eyes - Freak Fantasia, Glassy Mustard Green