![Look Of The Day [June 25/09] – Tribute To Michael Jackson](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3541/3660772277_1200f4e65c.jpg)
Say what you will about Michael Jackson's freakish and bizarre later years, in the 80s, he was a g-d. I rushed home from school everyday when I was twelve and fought my three siblings for control of the record player, where I promptly played my Thriller album, again, and we all danced around the living room, knowing every word to every song. I had his poster on my bedroom wall, and I wore tiny buttons on my denim jacket, with Michael all over them. I was a true child of the 80s, and would have killed for that red studded leather jacket at one time, even though I knew it was hella dorky.
![Look Of The Day [June 25/09] – Tribute To Michael Jackson](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2115/3661572922_7696d4d096.jpg)
I remember the songs, the videos, and the way Michael Jackson changed the face of popular music and videos forever. I learned to do the moonwalk in stocking feet on my mother's hardwood floors. Thriller was a short film, going beyond mere music video status, I remember the night it premiered on TV, my whole family tuned in to watch. I remember the parodies of Beat It! and I'm Bad, Weird Al did so many, and that is the truest from of flattery. Those parodies are still as popular as the originals.
![Look Of The Day [June 25/09] – Tribute To Michael Jackson](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3306/3660772641_7e61b66710.jpg)
Michael was, to say the least, a character. But his life was both epic and tragic. We know about his legal troubles, something that bothers me still is the not knowing the truth. He never had a real childhood, the stories of his overbearing father are legendary. His entire family is a circus of freaks and eccentrics. We know about his bizarre fatherhood displays, calling his child 'blanket'. We know of his horrific plastic surgeries and his skin condition, something that has been fodder for the tabloids for decades now. But now, all I can think of are his triumphs. He was an incredible talent, he broke down a lot of walls, and he paved the way for so many artists. Justin Timberlake comes to mind, his style is so similar. So today, I threw together a look that makes me think of Michael. Military style jacket, black and white, the Jheri Curl, shades, and those white socks.
Rest in peace Michael, hope you enjoy that Neverland Ranch that is heaven and can finally find yourself, accept yourself, and feel the love you had been searching for your whole life. All I have for you today are thanks, thank you Michael Jackson, for The Way You Make Me Feel!
Outfit Credits:
Jacket - (P-K) by Polina-Kaestner, Military Jacket (Noire/Blanche)
T-Shirt - Armidi Limited, The Faux Vest Tee [White]
Pants - The Abyss, -Studded Leather- Pants
Socks - Jenika's, White Bobby Socks
Shoes - TESLA, 'Diva' Shoe (Black)
Glasses - D2TK, Model TK5 Aviator 1 Sunglasses
Hair - *booN, KAR07 Hair, Black Big
Skin - *REDGRAVE*, 04 Emma2 Tan SKIN / *icegrey
Eyes - (Miriel), Standard Eyes - Sunlit Tree