I get a lot of review copies dropped on me, and lately, since all my messages have been getting capped, I sometimes don't know for sure who has sent me something. I am not always certain what is a review item, and what is a gift from a friend. When I saw the title of this item in my "Objects" folder, I was simply too curious to let it go,
Belice No. 5 it was labled, I rezzed it on the living room floor to have a look.
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [8]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3475/3265195539_c4bee7f2b4.jpg)
I have heard about perfume in Second Life®, and I must say, it always has struck me as beyond silly. I think about pixelated food in a similar way, but we eat with our eyes and other senses, not merely taste, so I can suspend reality long enough to toast in the New Year with a flute of bubbly champers. A decorative item also holds value in SL®, from the art we put on our walls, to the knickknacks we line our virtual bookshelves with. I can see a pretty prim make-up case or perfume decanter, I understand the appeal of beautiful things in our living space. But a perfume in a place where the sense of smell is not required and frankly sometimes a blessing (who hasn't worn the same outfit for a week or more), it just doesn't make much sense to me (pun intended).
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [7]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3324/3266020830_e2f9de27cc.jpg)
So here I am, with this review copy of a virtual scent, and it has me giggling and scratching my head, and cracking jokes, but I figured I really should try it before I get to far ahead of myself. I mean, maybe it's really tongue in cheek, maybe we are meant to be in on the joke, maybe it is precisely the thing I have been looking for all of my Second Life®. So there in the folder is the wearable version of
Belice No. 5, and I Right-click and wear it, as well as the HUD attachment. The HUD removes my AO, but who needs to walk sexy when you smell great! Immediately I am surrounded by a poof of little flowers, and there on my HUD, a sleek purple bottle.
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [6]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3467/3266021692_5476116482.jpg)
A little script chat pops up on the screen, telling me that I am "
Now spraying every 45 seconds". That seems rather often to me, but as I don't wear perfume in RL, I may just be out of the loop. A click on the HUD brings up the dialog box with lots of lovely options.
Target: interesting enough, I can "emote" perfume at a selected avatar, that will be very handy in a crowd.
Scale: This has something to do with the HUD, so I ignore it as usual.
Graphics: The ability to turn the poofer spray on or off, well, why would I want to turn it off?
Emotes: The ability to turn the text emotes on or off. Why would you want to turn off something that tells people how great you smell?
Private: You can turn all the emotes to private IM, so as not to alert others to how great you smell, seems to defy the point, but a nice option all the same.
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [5]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3358/3265197801_6abcce2f43.jpg)
I decide to wear it as packaged, and not fiddle with the settings. I am immediately aware of the green object chat emanating from my person. The first thing it tells me?
BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< An air of seductiveness surrounds Jhuzen ><><><. Well what do you know, I do have an air of seductiveness surrounding me! But the real test, as you all know, is whether others find me as seductive as I find myself. I approach my man, who is blissfully unaware of my seductiveness, as he lies on the couch.
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [4]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3317/3266023430_625df11e23.jpg)
Bam! Here we go, what will he say, will he notice immediately? No response. Oh right, he is getting some dinner. So I wait. The screen fills with little flowers and messages about my amazing sensuality.
[21:31] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's perfume carries a hint of warmth to Draco ><><><
[21:31] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The innocently swirling currents of rosewood and pine merge ><><><
[21:32] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< A perfume full of seductiveness carries the scent of rosewood innocently through the air ><><><
[21:33] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The warmth of Jhuzen's perfume suits her perfectly ><><><
[21:34] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The scent of rosewood conveys a note of seductiveness ><><><
[21:34] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's perfume carries a suggestion of warmth ><><><
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [3]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3520/3266024752_35bf707975.jpg)
I figure there is no use standing around waiting for his return, I might as well cuddle up close.
[21:35] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's perfume carries seductiveness towards Draco ><><><
[21:36] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The innocent scent of rosewood drifts around Jhuzen ><><><
[21:37] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Draco can smell rosewood, combined with pine and cloves ><><><
[21:37] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The aroma of rosewood spreads tenderly till it reaches Draco ><><><
[21:38] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Draco can smell rosewood ><><><
[21:39] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's seductiveness is carried to Draco by the breeze ><><><
[21:40] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< A fragrance of rosewood, pine and cloves drifts towards Draco ><><><
[21:40] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's scent is heavy with warmth ><><><
[21:41] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The warmth of Jhuzen's perfume suits her perfectly ><><><
[21:42] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The innocent scent of rosewood surrounds Jhuzen and Draco ><><><
[21:43] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's perfume exudes seductiveness all around her ><><><
[21:43] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The aroma of rosewood spreads tenderly through the room ><><><
[21:44] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's perfume carries seductiveness towards Draco ><><><
[21:45] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< A perfume full of seductiveness carries the scent of rosewood innocently through the air ><><><
[21:46] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's perfume smells of rosewood ><><><
[21:46] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< The scent of rosewood conveys a note of seductiveness ><><><
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [2]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3456/3266025520_dbf9f53247.jpg)
Well, finally my man returns, and we discuss the rapid fire chat assault from my scent and the dizzying poofs of flowers around my avatar. It is a bit much, but I know it is modifiable through the HUD, so I think that is a personal preference really, how aware do you want others to be of your presence?
[22:11] Jhuzen Ketsugo: ok
[22:11] Jhuzen Ketsugo: go shower
[22:11] Draco Tatsu: you sure?
[22:11] Jhuzen Ketsugo: yes
[22:12] Jhuzen Ketsugo: it's ok
[22:12] Jhuzen Ketsugo: go hunny
[22:12] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's perfume carries seductiveness towards Draco ><><><
[22:12] Jhuzen Ketsugo: I will exude seductiveness on your afk avatar
[22:13] Jhuzen Ketsugo: hunny
[22:13] Jhuzen Ketsugo: come on
[22:13] Jhuzen Ketsugo: that was funny
[22:13] Draco Tatsu: lol
[22:13] Draco Tatsu: yes
[22:13] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< A fragrance of rosewood, pine and cloves wafts tenderly through the air ><><><
[22:13] Jhuzen Ketsugo: I am wafting tenderly
[22:13] Draco Tatsu: yes, yes you are
[22:13] Draco Tatsu: now that you mention it
[22:14] BeliceNo5_wearable whispers: ><><>< Jhuzen's seductiveness is carried to Draco by the breeze ><><><
[22:14] Jhuzen Ketsugo: is there a breeze in here?
[22:15] Draco Tatsu: i may have left a window ajar
[22:15] Jhuzen Ketsugo: I thought so
[22:15] Jhuzen Ketsugo: for it is carrying my scent!
[22:16] Draco Tatsu: yes, i smell rosewood, pine and... hmmm... is that cloves too?
[22:17] Jhuzen Ketsugo: I think it is
[22:18] Draco Tatsu: i thought so
![Belice No.5 - Second Life Perfume? [1]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3451/3265201493_3f11324db6.jpg)
It made for a cute little exchange, but really, I don't think I am hooked on virtual "scent". The box is cute for display, it rings in at a lovely 14 prims, the bottle is 7 prims on it's own. So if you want a great little conversation piece for your dresser ladies, I can say it is a lovely little item of frivolity. It is a novelty piece, and it is pretty hysterical, for about 10 minutes really. It amuses the same way heel clicks did when they were first introduced to SL®, some people love them still, most people treated them as a fad and moved on to the next. The literature included with the set is also humorous, and seems to be very serious in tone, but I think that is to be expected when one makes an investment of this scale. Yes,
Belice No. 5 is an investment. Available in-world
HERE or on
XStreet SL for a purse-stretching $1500 Linden® Dollars, it is definitely not an impulse buy or gag item, but would be perfect for the person that is impossible to shop for because they already have everything.
Would I buy this item myself, I think you can safely bet not, but it is just not my thing really. I think it would be an interesting experiment to wear it out in public, see how many times you might get muted or asked to leave nightclubs, or what kind of comment you can net from innocent bystanders. But it was good for a laugh, and isn't that the whole point of Second Life®? I think the developer and designer of
Belice No. 5 would agree, and I did contact Omm Dufaux before blogging this item, to be sure it was sent as a review copy by him. It was indeed, and I did let him know I planned to blog it in a cheeky manner. I do admire the creativity, the scripting, the design of the physical box and bottle, and the interest in feedback in the form of reviews. That says something about Omm, and I can respect someone that has an idea and follows it through to completion. If I listen to my bottle of
Belice No. 5, I am the best smelling woman in all of Second Life®. I dare you to prove otherwise!
Other Credits:
Hair -
ETD, AI - Short Bob - AVEDA Noir (Closed Temporarily)
Skin - -AnaLu- SKIN *near future* 2, Splendor (mod) by Ana Lutetia (Available Soon!)
Eyes -
Freak Fantasia, Glassy Mustard Green
Lashes -
[Detour], Love Lashes
Shirt -
/artilleri/, beatrix *pink*
Pants -
/artilleri/, betsy pants *darkblue*
Shoes -
ETD, Starley Pumps (Pink)
Ring -
Caroline's Jewelry, Gimcrack Diamond Solitaire Ring
Bracelets -
~*Fresh Baked Goods*~, Gem Jelly Donut Bangle - Silver (L) & Sculptured Sugar Silver Gem Bangle (R)